Ride the Way; motorbike routes

by Garmin Würzburg GmbH


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From Bosch an application for the motorcycling, travel and bikers’ world.An indispensable tool offering bikers numerous and innovative functions. Discover them all! ITINERARIES IN UK AND EUROPEDiscover more than 1500 itineraries in Uk and Europe and filter them according to distance, duration, difficulty, landscape and rating. Upload your route on the saddle using GPS tracking. Explore information, interesting points (restaurants, petrol stations, panoramic views, pit stops and overnight stays) and specific routes for any type of motorbike.
EVENTS AND RALLIESCreate, invite and take part in constantly updated events and motorbike rallies View the status of the event participants and talk to them. Check the weather forecast before leaving
TECHNOLOGY AND SAFETYDiscover the latest news about motorcycling technology. View and discover useful safety tidbits to keep your motorbike at its best all the time.
ACHIEVEMENTUnblock the Achievements completing the route and reading the safety tips its to measure your passion level.
TOURS AND TRIPSDiscover the tours all over Italy and Europe, identify interesting points on the way and prepare your trip with the pre-departure advice and description of each stageCreate your routes and tours and check those published by other bikers. Create and share your travel journal and upload the information about every tour stage.
LIVESYNCWith LiveSync you can synchronize with all the bikers travelling with you from start to finishDuring the trip, report dangerous situations or malfunctions to the group
OFFLINE MAPS AND NAVIGATIONCheck road maps offline, take them anywhere and explore the way even with no connection. Navigate the route in 3D and view the signposts on the roads.Discover a new way to travel.Download Ride the Way and give way to passion.
Constant use of the GPS in the background shall cut the battery life short.
www.ridetheway.itCopyright: 2014 Robert Bosch GmbH